Together we can make all the difference.

The three ways KOKEO concept:
I. Assistance in gaining financial autonomy by setting up a system of marketing recommendations in our associative networks to promote economic and solidarity development. Thus, we can put an end to the system of begging and assistantship. We are convinced that the circular economy and sustainable development must be the daily concerns of our professionals.
II. Assistance in collaborative coordination and management while duplicating successful projects in order to put an end to individualistic projects from associations that do not have enough impact. Our collaborative projects make it possible both to erase the disorder of individual projects, to give meaning to common actions while helping associations to align with the 17 sustainable development goals.
III. Assistance in diplomatic and peaceful communication so that your grievances can be heard at the international and/or national level in order to avoid recent movements such as “yellow jackets” who have not been able to find a proper hearing.
KOKEO in the form of a consultative NGO will deal with international bodies such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, the International Court of Justice, the UN, UNESCO, various embassies, and state bodies of European countries and their partner countries.
KOKEO will act to provide concrete support for the development of local associations as well as to create collective intelligence synergies between experts and bodies of influence.

Advocating and supporting organizations around the world