For a circular economy that benefits all
What do we do at KOKEO? Our main 3 activities
Kokeo is engaged in Global and circular economic development
It translates to the democratization of the networking system for everyone.
This helps to address the lack of financial autonomy in the nonprofit sector.
Kokeo coordinates existing nonprofit organizations in a given area to group them into community centers
These community centers, enriched by this cooperation, will provide the three pillars of empowerment and survival for vulnerable individuals: (health, employment, and housing). This activity is carried out through delegations to bring our expertise. This helps individualism in the association world.
Kokeo is a diplomatic and peaceful communication relay with national and international bodies
We support experts, researchers, and academics in establishing field reports to amplify the voice of civil society.
This resolves the lack of communication and exchange with governments.
Bringing the humanitarian and entrepreneurial world together
To cover the needs for the survival of vulnerable beings, starting with the human being, by providing three necessary and complementary survival axes (health, work/training, housing). To work with existing structures whose individual projects have difficulty lasting over time due to lack of resources. We federate the existing structures to set up a collective and replicable project, a life center. We also want to create a cash flow specific to the associative world by managing humanist projects like a company and by involving investors in projects oriented towards CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and solidarity-based economic development.
With such ambitions, we hope that by 2030, we will have achieved part of the sustainable development goals (17 SDGs of the European Union member states included in the UN's Agenda 2030). We hope that the observation of the associative world will be improved with more financial autonomy, less individualism, associative initiatives, and an improvement in the transmission of information through more diplomatic and peaceful communication through the production of field reports. Currently, we have 40 local coordination teams in 40 different countries and we hope to cover all developed countries.
We take into account local needs and it is the work of our local coordinating members who must bring us information in the form of field reports established by civil society, and experts in their fields to better understand local demands and provide solutions adapted to the reality on the ground.
We work on 3 activities to bring our development program: Accompaniment of locals to win-win economic activities between an economic actor or a company (which seeks to develop and sell its products and services and can provide locals with support and training) and a member of an associative actor or a person from civil society (who seeks support or additional resources to carry out simple activities such as that of a business provider to earn commissions).
Each country has its own instructions note in which it chooses the field of activity that is most requested by the locals. Supporting local people in setting up collective and replicable projects in order to avoid individualism in projects.
We also propose project models that each country chooses and we propose to work on a free project that nevertheless follows the KOKEO project setup concept.
All our projects are controlled by scientists thanks to our partner OSI Thomas EGLI - Objectif Sciences international and by impacts control applications on the 17 ODD of our partner Philippe Guettier president SDG CHAMPIONS France. Accompaniment of local people to establish field reports to give a concrete situation of abuse on vulnerable beings.
These reports can be a benefit for the media and politicians who lack tangible information resources to exploit for their communications.
The criteria for choosing economic or associative partners are essential for the good development of the International Civil Society Network. Thus, the administrative department of the Executive Office of each section verifies for each partner: their identities or their official registrations. That the purpose of their statutes is consistent with our objectives of sustainable development.
That existing initiatives are included in an activity report. That they commit to a common development program by adhering to our network membership contract or by signing a professional agreement. And finally, the commitment with a partner is for a trial period of 3 months and a renewable collaboration period of 3 years.
Each country has its own instruction note to better respond to the local realities that are being developed. Each partner collective is free to pursue its own objective but joins the KOKEO network to participate in the setting up of the "Life Center" project. It is a collective and replicable project whose set-up is specific and based on 3 axes: health, work-training, and housing to bring autonomy to the vulnerable person. These "life centers" are most often located near borders or in danger zones and can take several forms depending on the choice of strengthening one of the three axes.
For example, the sustainable farm project on the border of Cambodia and Thailand, in Pailin, where we have reinforced the work on the farm with a dispensary and a training center for the use of sustainable development techniques or tools.
A percentage of the profit of the main economic activity of the Life Center, where the exploitation of the farm, is given to finance social actions in the region. And finally, KOKEO's actions are of three categories as stipulated above with the three directions of support for the locals, in order to lead together a development program.